Now that we're coming closer to the end of our program I'm starting to think about what I'm going to use all my spare time for, and some 20-percent time style personal development sounds just about right. The last few years I've been in and out of classes both for my Canadian teaching certification (my original Florida certification didn't transfer over completely) and now for training for my new career in instructional design. I love learning, but I'm getting a bit tired of taking classes mostly for career growth. I'm also a bit sick of grades altogether. I'm thinking of following up Full Sail with some fun non-graded classes just for me. I'm also thinking of working on some fun projects on my own.
Here's a short list of the things I'm planning to work on and learn in the year or so after graduation:
- I promised myself I could take a glassblowing workshop after I finished grad school. I've wanted to do this for years but it's not cheap so I kept putting it off. I deserve a treat after finishing grad school though.
- Nate mentioned a PowerPoint alternative called Prezi that is ridiculously pretty. I'm going to play around with it a lot I think. I also picked up a spiffy program called Timeline 3D in a Mac software bundle I bought up this week. I don't have a need to create timelines for anything right now... but the program is just so spectacular I think I'm just going to have to make things with it anyway just for fun.
- I've been working on a home decorating project as part of my New Year's resolution (shameless plug: here's my blog for it) . I've done a few small projects for it, but once school finishes it's time for the big projects like refinishing a cool (but banged up) vintage vanity, drafting and sewing a slip cover for my currently boring black office chair, and finally matting and framing all the great prints I've bought in the last few years (most of them are from Imaginism Studios, whose work I adore).
- I've gotten a lot more into graphic design since I started at Full Sail. Because of this I just need to bite the bullet and become friends with Adobe Illustrator already.
- Language class time. Which will it be: Spanish (which would make my Abuelita delighted and be useful on Caribbean vacations) or Japanese (which would make reading manga and watching anime easier and would be useful for when I FINALLY go to Japan... and likely blow my life savings in Akihabara)
What I suppose I'm hoping is that these side projects will function to keep me creatively invigorated, which will lead to more innovation both in my personal life as well as my professional work. I'm also hoping some of the side projects I do might have parts that will transfer to other areas of my life as well. It's surprising how this can work sometimes. For example, back in one of our early classes at Full Sail I made a video that was an introduction to Twitter and blogging. Just recently I showed it to my boss as an example of what we could do on our company website, and she pitched the idea to a client of ours who has now contracted us to create a similar video to promote a training program she's leading. Who would have guessed that what I thought was a one-off class assignment would have turned into the opportunity for me to create a promotional video? If I do even more personal creative exploration, who knows what opportunities I'll be able to take advantage of in the future.
Bravo! I am so happy that you were able to take a project you completed here at Full Sail and then by showing it to your boss, you are now creating a promotional video for a client. I know that you will do amazing things in the future.
I have always enjoyed watching glass blowers in action. When you do take classes I would love to see the creations you make! With our blogs and Facebook accounts we will all be able to keep in touch and see what amazing things we will contribute to the future.
It looks like your short list is getting longer the more you think about it! Make it happen! Great video attachment. I look forward to seeing your project in UDUTU. I made a video to finish this comment as part of my vlog.
I read your post on Debbie's blog, and loved your ideas for applying them to your life. I guess I made a similar New Year's Resolution; now if I could just get Google to pay me for that 20 %, we'd be golden.
I've heard about Google's 20-percent time. I've always thought working at Google would be amazing. I never thought about applying that philosophy on my own. I've spent the past few years working on my teaching certificate, and I'm exhausted from grades and career growth, too. I have two things on my list and they are somewhat related:
-Learn to play banjo
-Learn to play mandolin
I have both of these instruments sitting at my house, but I can't force myself to learn them. I usually just grab the guitar instead, because I already know how to play that and it's comfortable. I plan to take lessons for at least one of these instruments. Probably the banjo.
I have enjoyed following your work and hope to continue to follow your adventures. I had seen the 20% Google time before, but admire you for applying it to your own life. I have had one thing on hold since I started this program and that is an afghan that I am making for my grandmother. I thought I could do it, but once I move again and started a new job I had to put it on hold. I really want her to have this and so as soon as my last assignment is in, I have to get knitting. It has an intricate design that requires my attention; otherwise I’d have been doing it during our Wimbas!
I think there is a decline in creativity in general and I know for me that if I don’t make time for it, I suffer. I haven’t taught Photoshop this year and I miss just using it. I wish so much that I could find a job that required me to use Photoshop all day long. I hope to use that 20% (ok, it really feels like more than 20% of my time has gone into this program) to reconnect to that creative person buried inside me.
It's so important to find the time for personal pursuits. When we are so overwhelmed with so many on-demand things in our lives it's not unusual to see years go by before setting aside the time and energy needed to do a pet project. Wow, I need to re-balance things for myself here too.
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